


Reincarnating, Time After Time
“Our wish is for the natural scenery of Okhotsk to last forever.”
To ensure this, we created these new pieces.
“Genhyo”: made from recycled fluorescent lamps / “Linne”: made from recycled broken glass.
Just as the drift ice comes back every year, Linne will time and time again be born anew and continue to shine.
Each piece is special and cannot be replicated.






Scraps from glass production and used glass products can be melted and reused repeatedly. The name, “Linne” comes from the idea that regenerating and reviving these glass products is akin to “reincarnation.” It also symbolizes our goal of “creating a recycling-oriented society.”

After opening Ryuhyo Glass Museum, we set certain standards for the colors production. We also continuously created the same products that were highly requested by our customers so as not to run out of stock. Popular products and colors produce a lot of scrap material, which then gets recycled. However, no matter how much scrap we used, we could not keep up with the newly generated scraps. We kept stocking up on the scraps, hoping to use them for something, to the point where we no longer had any place to store them.

Therefore, we once again returned to our basic principles (manufacturing in a way as environmentally friendly as possible, contributing to society [local communities], and creating a recycling-oriented society) and contemplated what to do. As a result, we concluded that the product’s color does not necessarily have to be consistent. And, therefore Linne was born.

Our products use natural and recycled raw materials as much as possible for coloring. By mixing the materials during the recycling process, a variety of colors are generated through chemical reactions. We decided to enjoy the colors as they appear randomly, just like the countless colors we find in Okhotsk’s nature.

The design is kept as simple as possible to enhance the fluctuating colors. Since only a limited amount of the same color can be made, each item is numbered as a limited-edition item. We hope you enjoy the unique one-of-a-kind colors of Okhotsk.





The scenery of the annual drift ice is the pride of the people of Okhotsk. Concerned that drift ice is decreasing due to global warming, we use drift ice as a symbol to address environmental issues while producing glass products. “Phantom ice” is a mirage that appears as drift ice floating on the horizon of the Sea of Okhotsk in early spring when the drift ice leaves.

The raw material for glass products is “Ecopirica,” a glass recycled from fluorescent lamps. The cracked pattern on the surface, which mimics drift ice, was created with scallop shell powder. Scallop shells are discarded in large quantities as industrial waste, so we use them by baking them onto glass.

Each piece is hand-polished and meticulously carved to create the patterns, so no two pieces are identical. When a drink is poured into the glass or light shines through it, the way the cracks appear in the glass is reminiscent of drift ice filling the ocean. We hope that we will be able to see this kind of scenery forever in the Sea of Okhotsk.